Just What Can Feng Shui Do Anyway?
Feng Shui Adventure: "Practicing the art of Feng Shui will...
* Increase intimacy and bring love back into your life.
* Stimulate making money.
* Significantly reduce stress and it's harmful effects.
* Bring more satisfaction into your relationships and work.
* Create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility and restore emotional balance.
* Dramatically improve you clarity of thinking.
* Enhance your communications with loved ones.
* Stimulate creative solutions to every day
* Bring Joy and Happiness to mundane activities.
* Considerably improve your ability to hang on to money.
* Improve your career possibilities.
* Accentuate you reputation.
* Learning and practicing the art of Feng Shui will significantly improve your quality of life. "
These guys have a product on their web site. I would encourage you not to buy it. If you want a book on Feng Shui either go through my posts and find my recommendation on the masters course or click on the "my feng shui ebook" link on the right.
Sam, Feng Shui Tips
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