Feng Shui Tips

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Ten Most Important Feng Shui Design Tips

by: Jakob Jelling

If you wish to learn how to manage interior design according to feng shui design guidelines, there are some major tips you must know. We wish to help you achieve a balanced and harmonic feng shui design for any environment you wish it to be. Read the next paragraphs and learn the feng shui design most important tips.

1. Feng shui design should always be done having the people who will be in it in mind. People's comfort must be a priority, and all you do must be done thinking of that.

2. You should be guided by the bagua map and the areas it indicates within that space in order to distribute objects and furniture in it.

3. Make use of the main feng shui elements. An interior design uses furniture and objects which may contain the different elements. These elements should always be in harmonic quantities and according to the bagua map indications.

4. You should choose colors according to what they symbolize and represent. Different colors represent different elements and have different symbolisms.

5. Good feng shui design does not allow dark spots in it since that doesn't allow chi flowing properly.

6. You should choose carefully the shapes of the objects and furniture; different shapes provide different feelings as well as tend to balance in different ways.

7. Couches and chairs should always be placed in a way that allows those who sit on them to easily look at the door.

8. According to feng shui design guidelines beds should not be right across the door and ideally should have a wall at one side as protection.

9. Mirrors should be placed strategically, thought according to the light amount wished as well as which objects you wish it to reflect.

10. Correct feng shui design would allow people to feel good and comfortable in that interior without really noticing it has been carefully thought of. It should be natural and balanced, providing comfort to those occupying it.

About The Author

Jakob Jelling is the founder of http://www.fengshuicrazy.com/. Please visit his website and learn all the feng shui tips you'll ever need!

These are generally good tips to follow. Hope you find them helpful!

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

Do Feng Shui Remedies Really Work?

by: Steven M. Ng


Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art that has been practised for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that there should be a "balance" or harmony in the world. Everything around us has its proper place. If something is out of place and the balance is disturbed, this disruption can materialize as a feeling of uneasiness in the people around it, or as violence or lack of prosperity in the area.

Feng Shui, in all its various forms, acts to restore that balance and harmony. This balance can be in difference ways, such as health, prosperity, wealth and love. And a lot of it really works. The cities of Hong Kong and Singapore are prosperous capitals compared to their neighbors because they are located in places where the Feng Shui is perfect for a bustling metropolis. Even the house of Bill Gates, richest man in the world, is said to be located in the perfect location in the hills to bring its owner great wealth.

But why does Feng Shui not work for some people? In order to answer that, we need to look at its history.


Feng Shui originated from ancient China, a land that developed other skills and arts such as medicine, martial arts and the origins of chemical warfare. The knowledge of these skills were highly priced, and the masters of these skills understandably did not want their secrets to be known to others, for fear that the knowledge could be used for wrong purposes, or that the masters would lose their status and prestige once the knowledge became commonplace.

It is therefore expected that the masters might not have handed down all of their knowledge to their students. These students might have compiled whatever knowledge they had, and guessed the remainder that they did not learn from the masters. Some of these students were geniuses, able to replicate the miracles their masters had performed. Others were not so skilled, but used whatever knowledge they had to make a living for themselves. This scenario, when applied to Feng Shui, explains the various schools of Feng Shui that exist today. Some schools do work wonders, but there are also those that produce very little tangible effect.

There are many people who call themselves Feng Shui masters these days, more so now with the growth of the internet. So how do we tell which ones can really help you? Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do. After all, someone can say they are a master of a reputable school of Feng Shui even though they are merely charlatans. The best thing we can do is to find someone who has had their lives improved via Feng Shui, and get the name of the Feng Shui practitioner who helped them.


However, another important aspect of getting Feng Shui to work is your belief in it. Just like the idols of the ancient Aztecs and the Cross of the Christians, Feng Shui figurines and artefacts act as "focuses". It will work if you believe in it.

For example, in modern pharmaceutical tests, the researchers always say that a drug is successful because it worked on a large percentage (say 75%) of their test subjects. But what about the other 25%? If the drug really works, why didn't it work for them? It could be that their body's physiology was different. But in most of the cases, the reason is psychological. If you truly believe that the medicine will not cure you, it won't, no matter how good it is. "It's all in your mind", as the psychologists like to say.

The same goes for Feng Shui. If you buy a Feng Shui figurine but think it's just some voodoo magic that probably won't work anyway, I can assure you that it won't work for you. You need to have faith in it. If you believe that Feng Shui can help you improve your life, it will.

For more information on Feng Shui, you can visit this Feng Shui page: http://www.mandarin-ducks.com/fengshui.html

About The Author

Steven maintains the Mandarin Duck Feng Shui website at http://www.mandarin-ducks.com. It provides information on how mandarin ducks are able to help improve relationships using Feng Shui principles.


What is Feng Shui, and How Does It Work?

by Stephanie Roberts

Feng shui (say "fung shway"), often called the art of placement, could just as accurately be called "the art of flow." This ancient Chinese practice, literally translated as "wind" and "water," aims to maximize the beneficial movement of chi--the universal life force present in allthings--through an environment.

Just as fresh air and clean water nourish our bodies, so does fresh, clean chi nourish our homes and our lives. When the flow of chi through our space is blocked, weak, or misdirected, our relationships, cash flow, creativity, health, and career can suffer. Chi wants to meander gracefully through a space, like a gentle breeze or a winding stream. When it flows too strongly, it becomes like a hurricane or flood. We are likely to feel tossed about by winds of change, unstable, prone to crises, struggling to "keep our heads above water." Where chi is blocked it becomes stale and stagnant, like a pond choked with algae and fallen leaves. We may feel tired, run down, depressed, unable to focus, hampered in our efforts to move forward in our lives.

In a corporate environment, poor feng shui can result in miscommunication between managers and employees, conflicts among team members, and lack of support for key initiatives. Individuals may be overlooked for promotions or deserved raises, suffer damage to their reputation in the company, or even lose their job. The company may have difficulty attracting or keeping key customers.

In a retail store, feng shui problems can block the flow of customers into and through the store, contribute to theft and staffing problems, and have a negative effect on the amount and size of sales.

Feng shui provides tools and guidelines for analyzing and correcting the flow of energy into and through our space. It uses the arrangement of rooms and the placement of furniture to create a smooth pathway for chi through a home, office, or retail location. Blockages and other forms of negative chi are removed or counteracted in order to welcome in opportunities and encourage progress. Colors and shapes associated with the five elements-wood, fire, earth, metal, and water-are used to create movement, balance, or protection, depending on the needs of the client. Imagery and objects such as paintings, photographs, statuary and other accessories are chosen and placed to enhance and reinforce the client's intention.

Feng Shui reminds us that everything is connected, and that our physical surroundings have a significant impact on our mind, body, and spirit. It teaches us to be mindful caretakers of our environments, so that we may be mindful caretakers of our lives.

Copyright © 2002 Stephanie Roberts

About the Author

Stephanie Roberts is the author of the popular Fast Feng Shui book series. Subscribe to the Fast Feng Shui newsletter and receive fr.ee Feng Shui tips in every issue. Visit Fast Feng Shui.com.