Feng Shui Tips

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Thursday, July 14, 2005

House Hunting This Weekend? Don't Forget Feng Shui!

How to Buy a House with Good Feng Shui: "How to Buy a House with Good Feng Shui - By Kathryn Weber

How to Buy a House with Good Feng Shui
Your surroundings can have a huge impact on your life – to the point of affecting your personal happiness, your prosperity, even the opportunities that come to you in your life — thus making your choice of home a very important one. Because most of the important moments in our lives occur in our houses, the house itself becomes more than just four walls where we eat and sleep. That’s why careful consideration is called for if you are thinking about purchasing another home.

So what do you look for when you are considering purchasing a new home? It comes down to two things: the tangible and the intangible. The tangible items include price, location, size, and condition. The intangible includes considerations such as location on a street, how the home is situated on the lot, its relationship to other buildings or homes, how the home flows inside, and situations such as whether the former occupants were ill, in financial trouble, etc.

These are the types of considerations that are taken into account when you want to assess the feng shui of a home. Of course, these are not all of the elements that make up a home with good feng shui, but these are some of the important considerations. Hopefully, this will serve as a guide for helping you select a home that is right for you and your family.

1. Buy a new house or “successful” house. A new home does not have a history, making these the optimal choice. However, if you are looking at a preowned home, buy one from someone who is moving into a bigger house, got a huge promotion and is moving, or has won the lottery and is buying a villa in Tuscany. Then, you are buying into good feng shui and positive energy.

Houses that are for sale from a divorce, a foreclosure, or where there is a serious illness, or other affliction are not the best choice. To purchase a home such as this can mean that you are buying those problems too. How so? The house might be the problem. Or, there might be a landscape or topographical element causing the difficulty. It’s best to avoid these kinds of homes.

2. Buy high or level ground. Houses that are situated on the side of a hill or where the back slopes away from the house are “losing ground.” Better also to buy a house where the lot is wider at the back than the front. Also, try to buy a regular-shaped lot. Square or rectangle shaped lots are especially good.

3. The inside story. Make sure bedrooms are not over a garage, kitchen, laundry room, or open space below. Also be sure there are no bathrooms over a dining area or kitchen. This can cause illness in the house. Look at the arrangement of bedrooms to bathrooms so that beds won’t share a common wall with a toilet.

4. Get support. It's best for land to either be level or have a rise at the back of the house. Land that falls away at the back of the house creates loss and difficulties getting recognition and promotion. If the house has a building or a hill at its back, then it is supported.

5. Open up. If the house faces open land or has a wide, open area in front of it, then it has the “bright hall effect.” This is extremely auspicious. Think of the White House in Washington with the large expanse of lawn in the front or the front of the grand Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina.

Make sure the house is not overwhelmed by landscaping. If there is a tree too close to the house, especially if it is in line with the front door, this is not good and will prevent opportunities for the homeowner. Consider removing the tree. Likewise, if plants and shrubs look like they’re taking over the house (either planted too closely or growing on the walls), consider removing these as well and replanting elsewhere. A house should not be smothered by the landscaping.

6. Look both ways before buying. What’s to the right and left of the house? Is there a house or building that seems to impose itself on this house? If the house or the land on your left is higher, this is good, as it is tapping the dragon energy. It is even more fortunate if the house to your left (as you look out of the house) is in the East. Is there a house with a pointed roof, a corner of the home pointed at your front door, etc., or aimed at the house?

Be sure to look at the approach to the house. Is it in a cul-de-sac? If the road ends at a straight line to the house, this is not good. Also, houses with a road behind and in front of the house suffer, and corrections can’t be made for these. Long straight driveways that end at the house, or roads that stop at the house, are another problem, but can be corrected with plants or mirrors.

7. What’s the situation? The house should be situated on the lot correctly, which means it should not be set back behind the half-way line of the lot. It is better to sit a little forward in the lot than too far back.

8. What is in the Southwest and Northwest? These are the two most important directions in a home. The Northwest should never have an open flame, such as from a gas stove or fireplace. If there is one there, move on to another house. This is feng shui taboo. To have a home such as this is to invite severe difficulties for the man of the house.

Also, look at the SW; this is the position of the woman or mother of the house. If there is a storeroom or bathroom located here, there could be marital difficulties and unhappiness. Consult with a feng shui practitioner about this if you just love the house, but it has trouble in the SW corner.

Good luck with the purchase of your new home!

Kathryn Weber is a certified Master Pracititioner in Feng Shui and is the publisher of Redlotusletter.com a FREE weekly feng shui ezine for helping readers improve their quality of life with easy feng shui tips and ideas."

Happy house hunting!

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

This Is Great- The Feng Shui Quiz

This test is great! What a pick me up (or let down, depends on your results). Sam, Feng Shui Tips!

Feng Shui Quiz: "Feng Shui Quiz

Take the quiz below to see if your life is in need of adjustment.

1. When I walk into my home I feel:
a) peaceful b) tired c) depressed d) sick

2. When I walk in my front door, I see:
a) open space b) a wall c) the backdoor d) a fireplace

3. The general state of my home is:
a) tidy b) in need of cleaning c) cluttered d) in a state of remodeling

4. In general, the rooms in my home:
a) are well-suited to me and my family b) feel small c) are asymmetrical
d) are dark and stuffy

5. The hallway(s) in my home:
a) are few and bright b) are long and dark
c) have rooms with doors facing each other d) divide the house in half

6. The windows in my house:
a) provide good light and air b) are blocked by plant overgrowth
c) have metal security bars over them d) are many and extremely large

7. In general, the walls of my home are:
a) covered with inspiring art b) bare c) painted dark colors d) damaged

8. When I walk out of my front door, I see:
a) a peaceful view b) my neighbor’s door c) a large tree d) an unkempt yard

9. Behind my home is:
a) a hill b) an alley c) a factory d) a cemetery

Add up your score using the following guide:

"a" answer receives 3 points
"b" answer receives 2 points
"c" answer receives 1 point
"d" answer receives 0 points

If you scored 22-27, you have an innate sense of feng shui, and know what makes your home feel good to you. Easy changes can make the difference in your energy level and give you that extra wind in your sails to reach your goals.

If you scored 14-21, your house has some basic weaknesses which can be affecting you and your family in negative ways. As a result, you and your family’s energies are defeated and thus, can be prone to problems and challenges. Learning how to make the right adjustments in your house can neutralize negative areas to stop the “bleeding” and allow you to move forward.

If you scored 6-13, there are many aspects of your home that are problematic and not easily resolved. Likewise, you may also be experiencing obstacles and conflicts that are not easy to overcome in your life. In these cases, you may consider seeking an expert’s advice to analyze your situation and advise you on the proper feng shui adjustments.

If you scored under 6, it’s time to move! There are likely some major negative energies around and within your home that are not easy to adjust. You do well to consult a feng shui expert on guidelines for your next home."

So how'd you do? How balanced and feng shui friendly is your home? What an awesome quiz! Check out our tips for some really great things you can do to improve things in your home!

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

Weekends Coming - Top 15 Feng Shui Decorating Tips

Tips and Articles - Top 15 Feng Shui Decorating Tips from Global House Plans: "Top 15 Feng Shui Decorating Tips
Published 2004-12-01

Feng shui has quickly evolved from a new age trend to a decorating phenomenon widely practiced by professional decorators and amateurs alike.

The practice of feng shui, pronounced .fung shway,. is part of an ancient Chinese philosophy that believes the way you position your furniture and decorate can impact all aspects of your life, from personal health to economic prosperity.

Many feng shui principles . like keeping rooms clutter free to facilitate the flow of energy . are easy to implement. Others . like choosing a level lot that is square or rectangular . must be considered early on in the design and home building process.

Here are some feng shui concepts to consider when decorating:

* Keep demons from entering your home by ensuring the path to your home is not a straight one.
* Avoid rock gardens or tall hedges near the front door. These are seen as places for evil demons to hide.
* Place your sink and fridge away from the stove, but not across from one another to keep clashing elements from causing fighting within the family. Placing something green between the two appliances, like a carpet, can also help reduce conflict.
* Position beds in a way that allows you to see people as they enter the room. Do not put a bed against a wall with doors or windows.
* Avoid long corridors and cramped floor plans. Choose a floor plan with clean lines and open spaces.
* Design your home office so your back does not face the door. Avoid placing your desk directly inline with the door where energy enters.
* Avoid excessive overhead light. Chose warm or full-spectrum lighting instead.
* Keep sharp-cornered objects to a minimum.
* Place healthy plants throughout the home. Plants with round leaves are preferable.
* Arrange couches and chairs in a way that allows people to see the door.
* Throw out anything you don.t use to keep energy flowing properly.
* Decorate the kitchen in a way that evokes a bright and sunny feeling. Feng shui recognizes the kitchen as one of the most important rooms in the home: the place where energies are nourished.
* Remove shelving over the bedroom door and on the wall beside the bed. Shelves placed this way can have an oppressive effect that can cause headaches, poor sleep and low energy.
* Be wary of knick-knack overload. An overabundance of .stuff. can create a visually overwhelming feeling.
* Store exercise equipment anywhere but your bedroom. Bringing the energy of hard work into your romantic space will make relationships seem more difficult.

Feng shui is a fascinating way to improve your life, your prosperity, and your health through good home design. Incorporate techniques on your own, or hire an expert- ready to get the energy flowing smoothly in no time."

I'd never really thought about where I store my exercise equipment, this is a great article!

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

Ba-Gua, Wierd Word, Key To Your Feng Shui Energy

Feng Shui : Ba-Gua: "Feng Shui : Ba-Gua

by Jane Alexander

Different practitioners of feng shui use the ba-gua in different ways. However all the feng shui consultants I have met so far use this format which is, to my mind, also the most straightforward to learn. If you already know a fair amount about feng shui and are already using another method, stick with that by all means.

To work out the ba-gua of any room or house, the position of the main door is important. If you live in an apartment or a single room you will need to take the door into your space as the main door, rather than the door that leads into the building as a whole. Now imagine yourself standing with your back to the door: depending on the position of the main door you will be standing in either the knowledge, career or helpful people corner of the ba-gua. Now envisage the ba-gua laid over your space. The wealth corner will be off in the far-left hand corner, the marriage corner in the far right-hand corner. You may find it easier to take the map of your home you drew earlier and sketch the ba-gua over it, giving you an immediate idea of which corner lies in which room.

You can apply the ba-gua to any building or room, as illustrated here.

To start with, we want to look at the overall picture of your home. First of all check to see if any areas are "missing". Not all houses are built perfectly square and symmetrical and often you will find an area of the ba-gua missing. This means that the energy of that corner is lacking. A clear example comes with L-shaped houses which are often missing either their marriage or wealth areas. This was my first experience of feng shui. I was living in a terraced L-shaped house in London and, to be honest, my finances were a walking disaster. Then I interviewed my first feng shui expert, William Spear, over the telephone from New York. Bill told me about missing corners and I realized that money was my missing corner. Jokingly I asked Bill for a cure and he promptly told me to put a huge terracotta pot with a vigorous green plant to "square off" the missing corner. I did so, chuckling all the way, but soon stopped laughing when, within weeks, my income quadrupled without any effort on my part. I have taken feng shui very seriously since. When we moved into this house, I had a consultation from Sarah Shurety who was, to put it mildly, concerned. The chi was very undisciplined and would cause disputes, problems and anxiety. Her "cures" were quite extreme. We had to knock down several partition walls in our bedroom, losing our en-suite bathroom and a large walk-in closet. Several doors needed removing and the walls plastered up. Some rooms needed re-decorating in better colors and we were advised to hang a round mirror on our neighbors' gate. Our neighbors were not, however, convinced by this and so a large shiny ball had to be hung from a tree instead! We made the changes and the turmoil in the house did settle down. Interestingly Sarah also noted that, once again, we were missing our wealth corner - not as much as before, but there was still a marked indentation in that area. Apparently it's very common for us to repeat the same patterns in our lives by choosing houses which have the same feng shui problems. So watch out for that if you are moving. Another fascinating point came up when Sarah looked at our house. She explained that people who live in houses frequently follow the same pattern as those who lived there before - its technical name is "predecessor chi". Not surprising really when you think you are living in the same feng shui configuration so your energy will be moved in the same way. We were amazed when we realized that the people who had lived in the house before us complained that the husband had to work away from home all week and only returned for weekends. We were in exactly the same situation. However, once we made the changes, Adrian was able to shift his working pattern and work most of the week from home.

Take some time to become accustomed to the ba-gua superimposed on your house. Figure out which rooms lie in which corners. Are there any areas missing? Are any areas over-developed? Does it make sense, given your circumstances? Now look at it the other way around. Think about each corner of your house in turn. Are these areas well represented in your life? Are they well balanced? Which do you feel are missing or under- or over-developed?

About the Author:

Jane Alexander is well-trusted as an expert in natural medicine, holistic living and contemporary spirituality. Her aim is to simplify the often arcane concepts behind alternative health and spirituality and make them accessible and meaningful to everybody. She is the author of sixteen books on holistic living, including Spirit of the Home, Live Well (a western guide to ayurveda), The Detox Plan, The Five Minute Healer and The Weekend Healer. Her website was recently given 5 star top rating by The Good Web Guide who said "If she didn't exist, you'd have to invent her and the Mind Body Spirit movement probably owes her a great debt of gratitude..her books are all worth buying." Visit JaneAlexander.org and find out why."

Ok, this really didnt turn out the way I wanted it to. I promise better articles are coming (because I don't seem to be calm, focused, and collected myself at the moment).

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

Discover The Energy Of Your Home By Mapping It

Feng Shui: Mapping Your Home: "Feng Shui: Mapping Your Home

by Jane Alexander

So let's see how feng shui could help your home. I have to say that feng shui is a complex science and that a website this size cannot explain every facet. If you have a house with an unusual layout or, particularly, an apartment which has been created out of an older building and so has a very odd shape, you may find it tricky to apply the rules to your own space. There are two options here: firstly you could employ a professional feng shui consultant. They don't come cheap but, if you find someone experienced and good, your investment should be well worth while. However, the second option is cheaper. Many modern feng shui consultants believe that much of feng shui's power relies on intuition and an awareness of subtle energy. Hopefully this will be a skill you are already developing. So, if the advice here doesn't take into account your curiously shaped abode, don't panic. Once again, centre yourself, get in touch with the spirit of the house and see what comes into your mind. You may well find the answe within yourself.

However, given that, there are some fundamental principles of feng shui we need to learn. The first is the ba-gua. This is an octagonal template which divides any space (your entire home or simply a room within it) into eight areas. These eight areas (or corners) represent wealth, fame, marriage, children, helpful people, career, knowledge and the family.

Let's take a quick look at these areas and how they affect your life.

WEALTH: Wealth governs your finances, money and the material side of life. If you have problems with the wealth corner of your home - if it is missing, cluttered or blocked off, you will undoubtedly find money is tight. This area can also correspond to your feelings of abundance in general: you might feel "rich" with blessings, full of joie de vivre, with a sense of happy well-being if this area is working well.

FAME: Yes, this area can apply to true fame but equally it shows how you are viewed by the outside world: your social standing, your place in the world. It also takes care of your self-esteem and confidence. If all is right with your fame corner, you will feel good about yourself and who you are.

MARRIAGE: Not just marriage, but all relationships are governed by this corner. If you have unlucky relationships or would just like a relationship in the first place, this is one of the main areas on which you will need to concentrate. On a more esoteric level, this also represents your relationship with the wider world and, on a more intimate level, with yourself. We can't have good relationships with others unless we have a good relationship with ourselves.


If you have children this is an area you will want to ensure runs smoothly. If you don't have children but would like them, this is an area to boost. If you don't have (or want) children and think this corner is one to avoid, think again. Another name for this corner is Creativity and it can boost your imagination and artistic endeavors or simply help you find creative answers to problems.


Everyone can benefit from having helpful people in their life. Nurturing this corner makes sure the people you need greet you with a smiling face and a willingness to help. You could find help from unexpected places and people when this corner functions well - or simply that the plumber is swift, efficient and doesn't charge the earth.

CAREER: How do you earn your living? With ease or great difficulty? Are you happy in the work you do or would you love a change? This is the corner that needs to be kept smooth-running for ease in your employment; boosted if you want a higher profile; shifted if you want a change.

KNOWLEDGE: Knowledge covers a wide variety of ideas: this is the corner which can generate wisdom, ideas, learning and scholarship. If you, or anyone in the family, is studying this corner will need attention. But equally it offers inner knowledge, spiritual wisdom, fresh ideas and inspiration.

THE FAMILY: Not just our immediate family are represented here, but our lineage, our ancestors too. This may sound a strange idea in the West but to the Chinese (and other ancient cultures) it is quite obvious. Keeping your ancestors happy results in good luck and prosperity. However, on a more practical level, this corner ensures that families get on together - not just the immediate family but your extended family, relatives and friends. It signifies your role as part of a wider clan.

So you can see that, while you may have imagined that only one or two corners might need attention, if you want your life to run smoothly you really need to look at all the corners. This makes sense: a true home of the spirit is a balanced home. It should not just be a home which craves fame and money above knowledge and friendship. Nor can any home thrive on love and creativity alone: a certain amount of money and recognition will make life much more comfortable. So let's see how to plot the various corners in your house.

About the Author:

Jane Alexander is well-trusted as an expert in natural medicine, holistic living and contemporary spirituality. Her aim is to simplify the often arcane concepts behind alternative health and spirituality and make them accessible and meaningful to everybody. She is the author of sixteen books on holistic living, including Spirit of the Home, Live Well (a western guide to ayurveda), The Detox Plan, The Five Minute Healer and The Weekend Healer. Her website was recently given 5 star top rating by The Good Web Guide who said "If she didn't exist, you'd have to invent her and the Mind Body Spirit movement probably owes her a great debt of gratitude..her books are all worth buying." Visit JaneAlexander.org and find out why."

This article won't make a great deal of sense without the next. Please take a look.

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

A Happy Home With Feng Shui - There's Little Like An Autumn Spring Clean!

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition) : Daily News in English About Korea: "A Happy Home With Feng Shui
Long gone are the days when the lore of feng shui, or pungsu in Korean, was confined to East Asia. All over the world, interiors are being designed so as to create harmony and balance in the home and keep negative energy at bay.

Principles of making an energy-filled space.

1. Make use of lighting and plants

Lighting gives life to a home. With the exception of the bedroom, bright lights are best -- especially in the doorway. Plants are the easiest and common means of infusing a living space with energy. Foliage plants can work wonders in invigorating niches and dark nooks where energy can't flow well.

2. Stabilize energy by housecleaning

Furniture, pictures and other decorative items change the flow of energy in your home, so make sure to give your house a thorough clean when you acquire a new piece of furniture.

3. Fix things that aren't right

If the front door doesn't fit or squeaks, repair it quickly. Look around for torn wallpaper or broken furniture, making immediate repairs when necessary.

4. Don't stack things. Use space

It's easy to pile stuff in storage rooms, landings or on the balcony, but this causes negative energy to linger and makes family harmony more difficult. Use additional plants or lighting in such places to moderate the energy. Don’t, for instance, stack things on a landing next to the bedroom of a student sitting for exams. If you can't put plants there, hang a small wind chime or mobile that you touch each time you pass so that it makes a sound. Since empty rooms lose energy, its best to leave no rooms unused, or if you have to clean it daily and leave the door open during the day to ventilate it.

5. Flowers invigorate a space

Clear wind chimes or bells, fresh flowers and plants are very important in trying to create a feng shui interior. The vital energy of plants brings health to the space and to inhabitants’ daily life, and green energy helps emotional stability. In summer, a plant on the windowsill can bring down the room temperature. When selecting a plant to place in a room, choose one that is healthy, fresh, no taller than the head of the home, and not twisted.

Some people prefer artificial plants because they are easy to care for, but with the exception of places like doorways or bathrooms that never see sunlight, they are of little help in regulating the energy of the space.

(englishnews@chosun.com ) "

Sorry guys, this post is from Korea not China like I'd initially thought! Sorry! Still full of great Feng Shui Tips regardless!

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

Free Feng Shui eBook - Author Seeks Input


Are you challenged by Feng Shui? I know I am, and I know a lot of others that are too. Feng Shui, although great, is not exactly "user friendly" and is cited as being a reason almost preventing moderisation in China!

Take a moment to have your say. I'll respond to your question personally and throw you a free copy of my ebook when its done as a thank you gift.

That's all from me.

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

(Great Feng Shui tips article being posted soon, keep an eye out!)

Find Feng Shui Groups In Your Area

Find Feng Shui Groups In Your Area - Meetup.com

Passionate about Feng Shui? Why not meet up with like-minded people. Simply click on the link and get involved in a Feng Shui meet-up group near you.

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

Great Resource - World Of Feng Shui Online

Check out this fantastic online edition of one of the best feng shui magazines available! Great stuff!

Sam, Feng Shui Tips

The Key To Enhancers and Remedies in Feng Shui

WOFS.com: Online Feng Shui Magazine: " The Key to Enhancers and Remedies in Feng Shui
The cycle of the five elements, or wu xing in Chinese, is one of the most important foundation concepts upon which many of the cures and remedies associated with Traditional Chinese medicine, destiny analysis and feng shui are based.

Click here to find out more"