5 Powerful Feng Shui Tips for Creating a Peaceful Work Environment
Stress Free Living-5 Tips for Creating a Peaceful Work Environment: "5 Tips for Creating a Peaceful Work Environment
Because most people spend a large portion of their lives in an office or cubicle, that area needs to be a sanctuary of sorts-- at least for a portion of the day-- so that you can maintain a sense of equilibrium on the job. Use the following tips to make your work space as calming and stress-free as possible:
1. Use scents to calm and revitalize. According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy, aromatherapy can be defined as "the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body and mind." Diffusing essential oils into the air through use of a candle or diffuser lamp can be a convenient way to keep your work space soothing (check with your boss first to make sure this is allowed). Scents you might try include eucalyptus to relieve muscle tension, chamomile for relaxation, and rosemary to help stimulate the immune system. Visit www.naha.org for more information.
2. Use Color. Research has demonstrated that colors can have dramatic effects on people's emotions. Blue is calming, red can energize us, green can be healing, yellow stimulates happiness and violet encourages the flow of communication. Take advantage of color in your work space by hanging colored scarves as wall coverings, placing colored pillows on couches and chairs, and using colored bulbs in lamps to soften the harshness of fluorescent lights. Visit www.peacefulmind.com for information and products related to color therapy.
3. Put on music. Some studies indicate that listening to classical music enhances people's ability to remember words, poetry, and foreign languages. Dubbed the "Mozart Effect," there is also some evidence that suggests that immersion in classical music may stimulate chemicals in the brain that help bolster the immune system. Check out www.edu-cyberpg.com/Music/musicsmart.html#research for more information on this topic.
4. Hold mini-meditation sessions. Use breaks and your lunch period to get in some down time. Purchase an eye pillow (www.candledance.com has one for under $10) and dim the lights. Focus on your breathing and observe your thoughts. Notice how they arise and fall away, like clouds passing through the sky. Alternately tense and relax each part of your body. If you have time, listen to a guided meditation tape like "The Healing Waterfall," available at www.epachamama.com.
5. Utilize the principles of Feng Shui to arrange your work space. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that teaches how to recognize and tap into the Qi, or the cosmic energy. Principles of Feng Shui include adding mirrors, plants and wind chimes as ways to reduce the stress in an environment and create more peaceful surroundings. A good read on the topic is "Using Feng Shui" by Antonia Beattie, Anna Bullen, and Sue Ninham.
While we cannot eliminate stress at work, there are ways to assist us in coping with it. Your working space needs to be as comfortable and relaxing as you can make it in order to maximize your comfort levels in the place you'll spend most of your day. For more ideas on managing stress, check out the recommended reading section."
I don't know about you, but I'm not the biggest fan there is of Monday's. I hope these tips help you if you're like me!
Sam, Feng Shui Tips